TooltipsTooltips display brief labels or messagesMaterial Design Guidelines: TooltipsLinksStandardRichStyle Tooltip Hover me <mc-button tooltip="tooltip text">Hover me</mc-button> Rich tooltip Hover me Subhead Use rich tooltips to provide more details, like describing the value of a feature action <mc-button tooltip-target=one>Hover me</mc-button> <mc-tooltip id=one rich> <div slot=subhead>Subhead</div> Use rich tooltips to provide more details, like describing the value of a feature <mc-button slot=actions>action</mc-button> </mc-tooltip> Style CSS variables that allow you override default values /* Optional variables for overriding */ --mc-textfield-shape: ar(--mc-shape-extra-small-top); --mc-textfield-container-color: var(--mc-surface-container-highest); --mc-textfield-input-text-color: var(--mc-on-surface); --mc-textfield-label-text-color: var(--mc-on-surface-variant); --mc-textfield-active-indicator-color: var(--mc-primary);