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The FAB represents the most important action on a screen. It puts key actions within reach
Material Design Guidelines: FAB


This section contains component attributes, token mappings, and default values for quick reference or building your own design files and implementations
edit edit edit edit
edit edit edit edit
<mc-fab large>

<mc-fab surface>

<mc-fab small tertiary>

<mc-fab secondary>
  <div slot="label">Edit</div>

<mc-fab lowered large>

<mc-fab lowered surface>

<mc-fab lowered small tertiary>

<mc-fab lowered secondary>
  <div slot="label">Edit</div>

FAB positioning

edit edit edit edit
<mc-fab mc-position-bottom-right>

<mc-fab position-bottom-left>

<mc-fab position-top-right>

<mc-fab position-top-left>

FAB colors

edit edit edit edit

<mc-fab surface>

<mc-fab secondary>

<mc-fab tertiary>

FAB sizes

edit edit edit

<mc-fab small>

<mc-fab large>

FAB label

Label edit
  <span slot="label">Label</span>

Fixed position

The FAB in the bottom right corner of the page. If you do not set it to fixed then it would be bound to the bottom right of this container. edit Example
<mc-fab id="fixed-fab" auto-hide-label fixed position-bottom-right>
  <span slot="label">Example</span>

<mc-fab id="fixed-fab" auto-hide fixed position-bottom-right>
  <span slot="label">Example</span>


CSS variables that allow you override default values
/* Optional variables for overriding */
--mc-fab-shape: var(--mc-shape-large);
--mc-fab-shape-large: var(--mc-shape-extra-large);
--mc-fab-shape-small: var(--mc-shape-medium);
--mc-fab-color: var(--mc-on-primary-container);
--mc-fab-container-color: var(--mc-primary-container);
--mc-fab-color-surface: var(--mc-primary);
--mc-fab-container-color-surface: var(--mc-surface-container-hight);
--mc-fab-color-surface-lowered: var(--mc-on-secondary-container);
--mc-fab-container-color-surface-lowered: var(--mc-secondary-container);
--mc-fab-color-secondary: var(--mc-on-secondary-container);
--mc-fab-container-color-secondary: var(--mc-secondary-container);
--mc-fab-color-tertiary: var(--mc-on-tertiary-container);
--mc-fab-container-color-tertiary: var(--mc-tertiary-container);
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